I’ve been sitting on this sizzling, sparkling little firework for a couple of weeks now, which has felt more or less just like you think it might, living with explosives in your pants.
But the news is now out, thanks to Publisher’s Marketplace, [and today’s Publisher’s Lunch] so I can share at last!
Here’s what they have to say:
kc dyer’s originally self published FINDING FRASER, about an Outlander-obsessed woman who ditches her life in order to travel to Scotland in search of her own Jamie Fraser, to Cindy Hwang at Berkley, in a good deal, in a pre-empt, for immediate re-release with a trade paperback edition to follow in May 2016, by Laura Bradford at Bradford Literary Agency (World English).
Translation: Taryn Fagerness Agency.
So, yeah. Thanks to my amazing agent Laura Bradford, FINDING FRASER has been picked up by Berkley [an imprint of Penguin Random House], and will be finding its way to a store near you soon, soon soon!
I am just thrilled by this opportunity to bring Emma’s story to the attention of a wider audience. In publishing-world timing, this has happened with LIGHTNING speed, and I have spent many a day recently with my head spinning.
This is not a bad thing. =)
I’ve already been working with my new editor Cindy Hwang and her team at Berkley, who has been simply wonderful. The ebook is slated for re-release VERY soon, and they are aiming to have the new trade paperback out in early May. As soon as I have any more info regarding the timing, the cover or other deets, I’ll post it here.
The best part is being able to share this success with all the people in my life who have leant their support to this story, and to my other books over the years. The acknowledgements in the back of this book are two full pages of names of friends and colleagues without whom this wee story could never have had life. Don’t have a copy handy? Well, let me shout a few of these names from the rooftop one more time:
Thank you Kathy Kenzie, Pamela Patchet, Diana Gabaldon, Jack Whyte, Laura Bradbury, [and now Laura Bradford!], Tyner Gillies, Eileen Cook, Mary Ellen Reid, Martin Chung, Crystal Stranaghan, Lee Edward Fodi, James McCann, Tricia Barker, Rob MacDonald, Peter Dyer, Alicia Kingsland, Meaghan Dyer, Jurgen van Wessel, my pals in the Scooby Gang, the Compuserve Books & Writers Community, and of course the denizens of the Surrey International Writers’ Conference.
To these names, I would like to add all those readers who have taken Emma’s adventure to heart, made her an Amazon bestseller, and shared her with their friends.
Thanks to all of you, the FINDING FRASER adventure continues. I’m SO excited to see what happens next!
More soon…