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Writer's picturekc dyer

Go Ahead! Share with your favourite teacher…


That was odd.

My computer had a minor stroke last week, and the disembodied headline above was the result. It went into full meltdown on Sunday morning, but the good people at Mac Station in Yaletown managed to bring it back from the brink. [Seriously — if you ever meet a techie guy named Jacques from that place, be nice to him. He is a true gentleman.]

So now I have a new logic board, video card, battery, and 4 lovely gigs of RAM to make my machine hum. Jacques even replaced a bunch of keys of which I had, through excessive use, managed to render blank.

Lovely guy! Now, if I can only get the rest of my act together for this tour, all will be well.

Okay, here at last…is what you can share with your favourite teacher. It’s in reference, for now, anyway, to the presentations I’ll be giving on my jaunt through Prince Edward Island next week. Will be tweeting and blogging as much as possible for the duration, but in the meantime, if you — or someone like you — wants me to stop by your school on the beautiful Canadian Emerald Isle, this is what will result:

At your school, kc dyer will talk about the art and craft of writing, how to turn ideas (or daydreams!) into words, the joy of storytelling, and the fun of being able to “live” in different worlds and in different characters. Open the door to discovery and self-expression with kc dyer! Other topics include Canada’s multicultural heritage, the dark (and often more interesting) side of history, and –of course — time travel.

I can also announce [now that it’s firmed up] that I’ll be doing a reading and signing at the Charlottetown Indigo bookstore on Thursday, April 21st at 7 pm. Tell all your Island friends to come and say hello!

It’s going to be a hugely fun visit — I look forward to bringing Darby and her friends for a good look around.

More soon…



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