Fountain pen love…
It’s February 1st — hooray! We’ve made it through the gloomiest month of the year. Not yet clear of winter, but the optimism of spring seems less distant, doesn’t it?
Today also begins the Month of Letters, as established a couple of years ago by the wonderful Mary Robinette Kowal, [author of The Glamourist Histories, WORD PUPPETS and more].
The challenge, as noted at the Lettermo.com site, is simple:
In the month of February, mail at least one item through the post every day it runs. Write a postcard, a letter, send a picture, or a cutting from a newspaper, or a fabric swatch.
Write back to everyone who writes to you. This can count as one of your mailed items.
Easy, eh? It’s even easier here in Canada than it is in Mary’s US, as our postal service does not deliver on Saturdays. So, here, since it is a leap year, you’ll have 21 letters to write and send to succeed at the challenge.

Button, button…
I’m in, too. And this year, since I am feeling celebratory, what I’ve decided to do is send off buttons to people who have bought a copy of FINDING FRASER this year.
I’ll pick names at random from the folks I’ve sent copies of the book to, but I am also open to anyone who wants to add their name to the list.
So, if you’d like a button or two sent to you through the post, [along with a postcard from me!] send your mailing address to:
and I will add you to the list. [If you’d like to attach a pic of your copy of Finding Fraser in its new home, I’d love to see it!]
And of course, in the spirit of the month, if you write to me through the post, I will reply.
Happy Month of Letters!
More soon…