Today’s an exciting day for all of us involved in the Surrey International Writers’ Conference. Registration opens at noon — and it is CRAY-ZEE!!! I’ve been involved in this conference since <koff> before the turn of the century, and next to the conference itself, this is my favourite day of the year.
The brilliant, best-selling Jasper Fforde gives writing advice to an attendee.
If you are a writer and you haven’t attended yet…why NOT? It’s the best professional development you’ll find anywhere, and you get a LOT of bang for your buck. FIFTY EIGHT presenters this year– writers, agents, editors, poets, playwrights, social media experts — all prepared to give up their secrets.
[If you ask, I’ll even show you my scars! I will be, of course, also open to taking money to NOT show them…]
Full details are at — presenters, program, costs — everything you need to know. Registration starts at 12 sharp, Pacific Standard Time. We fully expect to sell out this year, but just so you know — last year’s prices are locked in for 4 days only. After this week, our regular early-bird pricing goes into effect.
Snow White and SteamPunk Cinderella flank their Steamy Godmother at last year’s Friday banquet.
And if you know a person who identifies as a diverse writer — we offer a scholarship! We also do our best to invite young writers to come at a reduced rate on the Friday of the conference [a province-wide pro-d day, carefully timed!] AND offer scholarships for young writers, too.
It’s all on the site at See you online this afternoon — and at the conference in October!
More soon…