It’s been quite a week. Lots of radical tweeting, supporting artists world-wide who are taking a stand to #resist the recent political surges in religious intolerance, mysogeny and homophobia. Lots of writing on projects new and old. Lots of waiting on a project out on submission.
You’d think that would be enough to keep me busy. But no, I found the time, last Saturday afternoon, to take a bad step in a snow-storm, and fold my leg in a Very Unnatural Manner between my Jeep and the stairs to my driveway.
The result?
One regular foot, one pink and purple potato foot.
Technically it is my leg that is broken — the distal fibula in a spiral fracture. Unfortunately, I also tore the corresponding ligament on the inner tibia, which means that even with a cast there isn’t enough support for my ankle. So, surgery tomorrow, six weeks no weight-bearing, and at least nine months before I can go for a run again. It’s my right ankle, so no driving.
I’ve spent the past few days phoning and emailing everyone I might have booked a meeting or a visit or a reading with, to let them know the sitch. But — if I missed you, email me, okay? We’ll work something out!
I’m pretty bummed about this, but in an effort not to wallow in the loss of my independance, I am focusing on the increased time I suddenly have to write and to read. I am so lucky in that I have lots of help from my family, and the puppies have a wonderful new dog walker. I’m safe and warm and well-fed and my eyes and typing fingers are still working. All is well. [Here’s a cosy puppy shot, to prove it…]
Three people in my wee village broke legs and ankles on the day I went down, and countless others in Vancouver. I mean, we all knew Winter Was Coming, but it’s like this year, the West Coast is standing in for the Stark family.
Be safe out there, everyone.
More soon!