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  • Writer's picturekc dyer

kc checks in



Busy autumn, eh?

This is my favourite season of the year. Perhaps not coincidentally, it is the most bookish time for me.

Back to school, the Surrey International Writers’ Conference takes place, more time to write, falling leaves — I love it all. But this year it’s been a little crazy, even for a chronic over-committer.

The conference was likely the best I’ve ever attended, in no small part due to the amazing crew of volunteers and staff who put it together, and also to the wonderful attendees who inevitably bring their best GAME to the table. But the conference also gave me a little break from the two new guys in my life. You may have met them already if you follow me on twitter or facebook, but if you’ve missed them, let me introduce you.

First we have Tyr, named for the Icelandic god of war. [Well-named, may I say?]

This is Tyr at 9 weeks, with his dead penguin in the background.

Then we have Puck [named for Shakespeare’s sprite]. Puck came to us a bit younger — here he is at 6 weeks.

He was pretty sleepy at first.

So, yeah. Busy times at Chez Dyer.

Silas was pretty unimpressed with Tyr initially, and even less impressed with Puck, but they are growing on him. [We’re still not at Full Filial Acceptance levels, but we’ve stopped fearing for the puppies’ lives, so yay for forward progress!]

If you want to learn more about these fuzzbuckets, they make pretty regular appearances on my twitter feed [anti-Trump balm], and they now have their own Instagram page at tyr.and.puck, if you like that sort of thing.

And as for me, I’m writing. Just got edits back from my intrepid agent Laura Bradford on my MG series opener, and I’ve started on a wee little new project aimed at grown-ups again. I’ve had a bit of luck with the back-burner project in the past, so fingers crossed.

I’ve got more to say about #SiWC16 [and #SiWC17!] and a tonne of books [both the paper and audio variety] to talk about, but I think I’ll stop here for today. As always,

More soon…



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