…and it’s a siren song, no doubt.
Yes, for those of you who guessed from my last post, it is the Tower of London on the cover of SHADES OF RED. More specifically, the Bloody Tower, and it is here I find myself — completely delighted — again.
I so love this city. From the flags on Canada House to the gates of Chinatown to Nelson atop his column, it has welcomed me back with fair weather and open arms.
It’s been a bit of a whirlwind few days, with many miles walked and adventures enjoyed. I’ve been staying on the South Bank this time around, and have seen many new nooks and crannies. But that is the principle joy of London — new discoveries every time.
I’m here for a bit of research, and to that end I’m off today to explore the Foundling Museum, and environs. My current story has a significant character who is a foundling, and so I’d like to get a feel for some reality in which to ground him. Then, of course, I’ll send him twisting away into mystery and illogic and whimsey…
In the meantime, I am trying to make the best use of my time, which means not sleeping much.
So far, I have wandered through the National Portrait Gallery, the British Museum and the Tate Modern. I’ve walked across the Thames
[twice], wandered Leicester Square, Trafalgar, Chinatown, Southbank, Camden Market [for purple ink!], and managed to acquire seats in two sold-out plays.
I had the absolute, divine pleasure of watching Judi Dench and Ben Whishaw in PETER & ALICE last night at the Noel Coward Theatre. A bit of a contrast to the rollicking BOOK OF MORMON from the night before, but a tour de force from both actors.
I have taken the tube a few times, but mostly walked everywhere. This city is made for walking…and people-watching.
In my wanderings yesterday I also stumbled into the Borough Market. Coming from Vancouver, I know my way around a market or two, but this — well, this one deserves its own post.
Perhaps tomorrow. For now, I need to head out and find myself a foundling or two.
More soon…
PS I’m tweeting a bit [with a cockney accent, of course] @kcdyer, or you can search the hashtag #kcUK13