This one is to read aloud to the wee’uns. The dude below is a uakari, who didn’t fit into the stocking but is still festive in his seasonal colours. A Happy Winter Solstice to U all!
Christmastime at the U Zoo
You’ll never guess who’s inside the sock That hangs by the fireplace under the clock An umbrella bird who loves to talk You’ll see him if you sleepwalk
You’ll never guess who’s under the tree Sheep and giraffe and sweet peccaries Ungulates all, with toes more than three Unwrap them and you’ll see
You’ll never guess who’s dining with you Urial sheep and weird urubu Holiday feasting with someone gnu It’s Christmastime at the U-Zoo!
For the month of December, my goal is to post a piece of festive flash fiction here to the blog every day. Twenty-five stories, each 250 words or fewer — a little fictional festivity to brighten the darkest month of the year. For readers, I offer these stories as a moment of peace within a hectic month of busy. And keep your eyes peeled for the odd flash of fiction from writer friends!
More soon…